Day 18-19: Jingjiang 靖江 – July 5-6

We spent a couple of days visiting relatives. I’m not sure if its the same for others, but whenever we visit relatives, its all about eating and sleeping. Somehow, our relatives in China think we’re malnourished 7-year olds and constantly feeding us with foods. I’m definitely not complaining, just an observation!

My dad tells me stories of him, climbing up the family lychee trees and eating until he feels a couple pounds heavier when he climbs back down. So when presented with the opportunity, I had a pound of lychee fruit for breakfast. Yum. I’d liken myself as to continuing the family tradition!

So after a couple days of much needed rest recovering our stomachs, we head on to the next family stop: Nanjing.

Update: 舌尖上的中国 is a show about Chinese food, filmed like a BBC epic, it also had a little feature about 靖江 汤包, which is pretty much a crab stuffed dumpling, except inside it is awesome awesome soup! Here’s a picture for those not fortunate enough to have these. I don’t remember how many I ate, but I’m pretty sure I was able to stuff 6 down once, and that was AFTER a meal.


Categories: China | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Day 18-19: Jingjiang 靖江 – July 5-6

  1. OMG lychee…dumplings…so jealous!!

  2. Heroko Yihe Zhao

    make my month watering

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